Clinics We Offer
Health Promotion
Health promotion advice and screening of lifestyle activities such as smoking, diet, exercise, alcohol, blood pressure screening and travel advice are provided by our practice nurses. We have also disease management clinics for Asthma, Diabetes and COPD. You can make an appointment at reception without being referred by the doctor.
Minor Surgery
Some minor operations including treatment of warts, verrucae, skin lesions and joint injections are performed in the surgery. Your doctor will advise you if your condition is suitable for treatment here and a special appointment will be arranged.

Cervical Smear
Cancer of the cervix is a preventable condition and all female patients between 25 and 64 years are advised to have regular smear tests. A call and recall system is operated to remind you when your test is due. Smears are carried out by the practice nurse by appointment, or if you would prefer, one of the local family planning clinics, a list of which is available at reception or on the Sexual Health Advice page
Family Planning
Contraceptive care is provided by all the doctors and nurses.
Please contact the Care Co-ordination Service on 0300 323 0303, who will advise you if you are eligible for this service and arrange an appointment.

Child Health Development and Immunisation
The Health Visitors are available for advice on child health and development. To contact the Health Vistors Tel: 0161 912 4044. For details of the Child Health / Well Baby Clinics please click on this link Child Health Clinic/ Well Baby Clinic.
We recommend that all children have had a full course of immunisations. The health visitors and our practice nurses can advise you on the immunisation programme.

Community Services
Community Midwives
The Midwives are available for antenatal and early postnatal care. They provide advice on all aspects of maternity care. New antenatal bookings can now be made directly through your Community Midwife. The Midwife will book all of your antenatal care with the hospital of your choice at your first appointment. Appointments with the Midwife are available every Friday morning and can be made by contacting the Midwife office at Wythenshawe Hospital on 0161 291 2942
District Nurses
The District Nurse team provide home based care to those patients with chronic illness or disability, in addition to ongoing support to patients and their carers. There is also a District Nurse Led Treatment Room Service which patients can access by calling 0303 323 0303 to make an appointment.